I've wanted to take a Master Gardener's class for several years. The class is 13 weeks and is offered by our state university extension office. The requirements are passing a post test as well as 30 hours community service project.
I went to the first class this week. The topics were native animals and then landscaping possibilities with native plants. The speaker had studied both for over 40 years and was very knowledgeable. Using native plants for landscaping makes so much sense. I don't know why I had never considered it before! I'm looking forward to learning much more in the coming weeks.
Anybody have experience growing native plants?
10 months ago
good luck with the class. be sure to pass on some good green thumb tips.
Hi there-well done on studying for this course, it sounds very interesting indeed!
This class sounds great. I know nothing about plants, but LOVE a beautiful landscape. I look forward to hearing about everything you learn!
What a neat class, gardening with native plants is much better for the environment. I'm primarily interested in vegetable gardening right now, some day I'll need to learn about landscape plants. I hope you enjoy the class.
I didn't know you could that. How much fun! Good for you.
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