Monday, April 27, 2009

More Computer Woes

I'm whining just a little. My "a" key is broken, so to type an "a", I have to copy and paste. What a pain!


Shtinkykat said...

Or you can just type, "wh@t @ p@in in the @ss!" In all seriousness, sorry you're having computer problems. If you have a desktop, replacing a keyboard is not nearly as expensive as replacing an entire computer. If you have a laptop, I'm truly, truly sorry...

Debtfree2009 said...

The "a" problem must be going around. I have a discussion board I frequent who also has a member with an "a" problem.

RTC said...

SKat & debtfree. Good suggestion!

Shopping Ethically said...

you can plug a keyboard into your laptop--I had to do that once when I fried my motherboard (whatever that means). It's cumbersome, but possibly less frustrating