Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Budgeting Tools

Personal finance blogs are full of wisdom and encouragement. Here are some posts that I enjoyed this week.

  • Money Funk has developed a spreadsheet to track your budget and spending, including a bad debt to income calculator.
  • Get Rich Slowly has a list of favorite posts, including "How to Get Out of Debt". His blog is full of timely articles and great financial advice.
  • Lynne at Being Frugal is doing a series on budgeting and has reviewed Pear Budget as well as other budget tools.
  • Ms Money Chat at My Money Chat tells why she loves Mint software.
  • SVL at The Digerati Life has a review of the YNAB system along with a 10% discount code.
  • Jolie at Shaking the Money Tree and Amber at Becoming Debtfree in 2009 have had great success this month with a cash-only envelope system. Their results in January add to the evidence that using cash only reduces spending. I wasn't very successful when I tried this last summer, but I think the key is finding a system that works for you. Check out their methods and results.

I really enjoy and am encouraged by all the above blogs. I highly recommend subscribing to them if you are on a journey to becoming debt-free.


Jolie said...

Awwww thanks for the mention :-)

Ms. MoneyChat said...

thanks so much for the link love! have a great weekend.

Sharon said...

Hi there-a great post, it goes to show that having an organised budgetting system really works.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the link love. Hope you have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Awesome link love fest. :)