Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Personal Finance Goals: Week 3

It's almost the end of the month and I'm updating Week 3--just a little behind!

Financial Goals:

  • I'm still enjoying using YNAB. I don't have a large unexpected expense fund yet, so with the car repairs and new running shoes for DS, I am over budget this month by 8%. At least this gives me a number to try to beat for next month!

  • I probably can't make by goal date 1 of July to be debt-free, but I'm not going to change it until I see how Feb. goes.

Personal Goals:

  • I'm still walking the dog every day and working out 2x a week. Gretsky's walks are pretty short--about 1/2 mile. I will try to increase this as the weather improves.

  • The exciting news for me is that I joined the local astronomy club and attended Astronomy Day at the local community college. My plan is to attend at least one meeting this spring to look at the stars. I also plan to take a Master Gardener class, which starts in February. I have wanted to take this class for the past two years, but have been too busy. I think this is the right time. The class costs $80, but I feel it is a worthwhile investment. I hope to be able to apply what I learn to landscaping my steep walk to the river.

I am pleased with my progress this month. I am learning how to get my financial house in order while enjoying life. I appreciate the encouragement and suggestions given in comments. It's nice to know that other people struggle with and are overcoming the "debt monster"!


Sharon said...

Hi there-well done so far! The Astronomy sounds a lovely hobby to have and its great you are achieving a good balance with finances and personal life.

Ms. MoneyChat said...

aahhh, nothing like making some progress towards your goals. it feels good when we're able to pat ourselves on the back. i'm sending over my virtual pat - congrats!

RTC said...

Thanks for the virtual pat on the back!

jpkittie said...

good for you! that is fantastic to see progress! That is the only thing that really keeps you going, you know?

RTC said...

The progress, even if it is slow, does help keep me motivated.

RTC said...

Miss M,
I messed up and deleted your comment by mistake. I'm sorry!

Shopping Ethically said...

It sounds like your feelings are lining up with your original goal for this blog "I'm getting my financial house in order: preparing for the future while enjoying the present."

I'm so happy that you have time now in your schedule to pursue these hobbies--i agree with sharon rose, astronomy sounds like a lovely hobby!