Saturday, December 27, 2008

Get Inspired!

Great quotes from wise people:
1. From Suze Orman, "No blame, no shame". Start where you are. Just start! Thanks to Blogging away debt for the link.

2. From Sharon Rose, "Slow progress is better than no progress". Thanks to Ms Money chat for the Financial Nugget.


Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks for the shout out my dear and very best of luck on your 2009 goals. I've added you to my bloglist so I can catch up on your progress!

Jolie said...

I like the second one. When I am feeling overwhelmed, no matter what realm of my life it's in, I just keep chanting to myself "little bites....constant, frequently little bites".

Anonymous said...

Aren't PF blogs inspiring!

Best wishes for a joyous 2009!

Ms. MoneyChat said...

Thanks RTC for the link love. I'm interested in keeping up with your progress as well so you're now on my blogroll.