Saturday, December 20, 2008

Goals update

It's time to check my goals for last week. I had a few successes and have a few to finish.
Goals for the week:
Work out 2x. Worked out 1x and walked 1x.
Buy 3 more gifts. 1 down, 2 more to go, but I have a plan.
Buy and decorate tree. The tree is up! It looks great!
Continue unpacking--make a plan. I unpacked 7 boxes, still 3 more to go. My wonderful dd1 and son-in-law organized the boxes in the basement and set up dd2's bedroom furniture in an alcove in the basement. She now has her own space when she comes home from college.

Wow! Until I typed a response for each goal, I really didn't think I had made much progress. Note to self: keep making goals!

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