- Pay off credit cards ($6000) by July1. Plan: pay $900/ month x 6 + $600 from Job 2.
- Have an emergency fund with two months living expenses by Dec. 31, 2009. $600 x 6
- Start sinking funds for next car and house expenses. Still working on details-$110/month right now.
- Use YNAB to track spending and budget. Update weekly.
- Work out or walk 2x a week.
- Walk dog every day.
- Recommit to morning and evening Flylady routines to reduce mental clutter.
- Attend a Bible study.
- Act on my interests and learn something new--possibilities are astronomy club or Master Gardener
- Make a planned project for each month to improve the house. Projects include: painting the kitchen, my bedroom, 2nd bedroom, refinish wood floors, make steps to the river, new bathroom floor and tub walls.
- Start a compost bin and plant a garden.
These goals are a work in progress, but it feels good to have a direction to start 2009.